"Everybody can be great because everyone can serve."-Martin Luther King Jr.
Monday January 18th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday honoring his activism and service. We are encouraged to use the federal holiday as "a day on, not a day off" through acts of service in our community. While this year we will not be able to gather together, here are some ideas to honor Dr. King's legacy with your family:
Feed the Hungry Food insecurity has been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic. Put together a casserole for Our Daily Bread-Maryland’s largest hot meal program, serving more than a quarter of a million meals to those experiencing hunger in Baltimore City each year. They need at least 130 casseroles a day, 7 days a week! And without generous food donors, many people in need may go hungry. Instructions for Casseroles HERE Casseroles can be dropped off at Our Daily Bread located at 725 Fallsway, Baltimore, MD 21202 Monday - Sunday 8am -3 pm. Entrance is in the back in a gated parking lot. Other ideas- Do you have a little free pantry in your neighborhood you and your kids could restock? Free pantries are around the city and contain not only non perishable food but also feminine and general hygiene products. Or consider donating to the Maryland Food Bank through their virtual food drive.
Donate Diapers Diapers are a big but necessary expense for all parents. Sharebaby is a local organization that collects and distributes diapers, wipes, and baby gear to Baltimore families in need. Check out their website for what they are in need of and make a monetary donation or drop off items with your family.
Make a Donation Dr. King's most famous address, the "I Have a Dream" speech, was delivered at the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom-a historic event that explicitly linked the social and economic demands of campaigners for civil rights and economic justice. The Jobs Opportunities Task Forceis a Baltimore organization following in Dr. King's footsteps by working to eliminate educational and employment barriers for low wage workers. Learn more and consider a donation here
Create Thank You Cards and Signs Thank a healthcare hero! Have your kids create thank you cards or signs for frontline workers, snap a photo or scan it and post on one of the University of Maryland Medical System's virtual bulletin boards. Then put the sign in your window to let your neighbors know how much you appreciate their hard work and perseverance during this trying time.
Paint "Kindness Rocks" Use non toxic paint and pens to add some inspiration and kindness to your community. More information and ideas at https://www.thekindnessrocksproject.com/.
Watch a Virtual Parade Tune in to the Baltimore Department of Recreation and Parks Martin Luther King Jr Day Virtual Shoebox Parade on Monday January 18th at noon on their facebook page. Shoebox "floats" have been submitted by Baltimore residents to capture the spirit of Baltimore Black History.
Catch a Panel Discussion The Art of Activism:Youth Activists Panel Discussion onMonday January 18th at 8pm on CharmTV (Comcast channel 25) or livestreamed at charmtv.com. Presented by the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture and Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts, panelists will discuss issues and themes related to youth activism and MLK's legacy.